Seed Libraries at the Warren Public Library


Available at the Warren Civic Center Library and the Maybelle Burnette Branch

We are happy to continue our seed libraries for 2024!

What is a seed library?

A seed library is a collection of seeds that can be checked out and taken home to grow in your garden. At the end of the growing season, patrons are asked to harvest the seeds from their plants and bring them back to the library to donate. The more seeds that are returned, the more people who benefit.

How many seeds can I take?

Households can take 3 packets per visit with a maximum of 12 packets per growing season.

How does it work?
Seeds in the seed library include fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Each type will be in its own designated drawer. Take up to 3 packets and write the names of the seeds you are taking in the binder so the library can keep track of what has been taken. You can then take your seeds home to grow into plants. When the growing season is over, harvest seeds from the plants you have grown, place them in a labeled envelope or bag, and put them in the donation bin at the library.

Do I have to return my seeds?

No. If your plants don’t grow or you don’t know how to save seeds, it’s okay. However, it is appreciated if you can bring seeds for the next growing season and we can also accept donations of new, purchased packets that we can add to our collection. The more seeds returned, the more seeds we will have in the seed library for the following year.

Do you want more information about seeds, plants, and gardening?

The library will host educational programs about gardening and seed saving throughout the year. The library has books on all of those topics and more. Contact any local Warren Public Library branch for more information.

Thank you to the following seed companies for their generous seed donations for 2024: